
5 Skincare Mistakes That Cause Facial Pores to Clog Up Quickly

Keeping your pores clean and unclogged can be a challenge if you’re making some common skincare mistakes. here are 5 Skincare Mistakes That Cause Facial Pores to Clog Up Quickly.


Physiotherapist and founder of the Global Project B&H clinic Evgeny Repko named the mistakes that most often lead to the appearance of blackheads.

Generally, pores on the face are normal. They participate in the process of secreting sweat and fat and a priori should be visible on the surface of the skin. Another thing is that the wider they are, the less aesthetically pleasing they look due to the oxidized and darkened sebum. It is its excess that leads to the pore stretching and looking black from the side. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands can be temporary and caused by puberty. But if you are not a teenager for a long time, then one of these mistakes most likely leads to skin contamination.

Improper home care

Many people think that skin shine and enlarged pores are caused by its oiliness. But in fact, this is a response to dryness, accompanied by hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands. Incorrect determination of the skin type leads to the use of inappropriate cosmetics and, as a consequence, intensifies all the problems associated with excess sebum.

Ask your cosmetologist to determine your skin type and select appropriate care.

Abuse of acid-containing products

But overuse of products containing acids leads to damage to the hydrolipid mantle and increased moisture loss, as a result of which the skin becomes tighter and drier, pores enlarge and itching and peeling may appear.

Abuse of baths and saunas

Under the influence of steam, moisture and high temperature, pores expand and toxins are actively removed. However, staying at high temperatures for too long provokes excessive sebum secretion and can cause clogged pores, especially if heavy cosmetics with oils are used immediately after the procedure. Therefore, baths and saunas should be visited according to a certain schedule and for the time recommended by specialists, and after them, do not use cosmetics and let the skin “breathe” a little.

Excessive ultraviolet radiation is the cause of photoaging, which manifests itself through various factors, including decreased skin tone and stretching. source:

Bad habits

There is an opinion that cigarette smoke settles on the skin and, mixing with sebum particles, clogs the pores. In fact, this is a myth, because the real reason for the harm from cigarettes and alcohol is that they change the functioning of peripheral vessels and provoke skin aging. As a result, collagen and elastin are damaged and flabbiness increases, accompanied by stretching of the pores.

You can’t go out in the sun without physical protection – without a hat and glasses, and you need to use cosmetics with SPF, but be sure to wash it off well, because it itself can clog pores.

Passion for tanning

The sun dries out the skin, causing the stratum corneum of the epidermis to thicken and making it difficult for sebum to be removed through the pores, which causes blackheads and pimples to appear.

5 Skincare Mistakes That Cause Facial Pores to Clog Up Quickly

  • Overusing or Misusing Exfoliants: Exfoliating too frequently or using products that are too harsh can irritate your skin and lead to increased oil production, which can clog pores. Stick to exfoliating 2-3 times a week and choose gentle products that suit your skin type.
  • Not Removing Makeup Thoroughly: Sleeping in your makeup or not properly removing it can leave residues that clog pores. Always make sure to cleanse your face thoroughly at the end of the day. Double cleansing (using an oil-based cleanser followed by a water-based one) can help ensure all traces of makeup and impurities are removed.
  • Using Comedogenic Products: Some skincare and cosmetic products contain ingredients that can clog pores. Look for non-comedogenic or oil-free products if you’re prone to breakouts. Ingredients like certain silicones, mineral oil, and lanolin can be problematic for some people.
  • Neglecting to Moisturize: It might seem counterintuitive, but skipping moisturizer can lead to increased oil production as your skin tries to compensate for the lack of hydration. This excess oil can then contribute to clogged pores. Choose a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer suited to your skin type.
  • Not Adjusting Your Routine for Seasonal Changes: Your skin’s needs can change with the seasons. For example, you might need richer moisturizers in the winter and lighter ones in the summer. Failing to adjust your routine accordingly can lead to imbalances that can clog pores.


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