
Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Lip augmentation (the procedure is also called augmentation) is carried out with fillers – fillers based on hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel, which replenish the missing volume and harmonize the proportions of the face.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist and chief physician of the Doctor Esthetic clinic Ophelia Legkaya answered questions that most often concern those who decide to undergo contour plastic surgery. According to her, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid can eliminate asymmetry, get rid of defects resulting from injury, and moisturize the lips.

What is important to know about lip augmentation

How many sessions are required?

1-2, depending on the size of the lips and the volume of the injected drug

How long does it last?

From six months to one and a half years

What’s in lip fillers?

Fillers consist of a gel based on hyaluronic acid, a substance produced by the body itself.

How much does it cost to enlarge lips?

On average in a good clinic 100-300 Dollars

Can filler stay forever?

It cannot if it is based on hyaluronic acid, which is eliminated from the body naturally during metabolism

May surgery be required to remove filler?

Maybe if it has a synthetic base and is not excreted by the body. Such fillers have complications, which is why all self-respecting clinics use only modern fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Indications and contraindications for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

In order for the lips to look natural after augmentation, the doctor takes into account the proportions of the face, the size of the lips, and whether there are indications for unfolding them during the filler injection process. And of course, you must know the contraindications in order to avoid unjustified risks.


Asymmetry is one of the main indications for the procedure. For example, if the upper lip is too narrow or the lips are generally small, then to harmonize the appearance you can change their volume.

Increased dryness of the skin of the lips is also a strong argument in favor. In this case, the softest and most flexible preparations are taken, which are administered not to enlarge the lips, but to increase the level of hyaluronic acid. It is a natural humectant and is synthesized in the body by proteins. But with age, the rate of hyaluronic acid metabolism slows down, and the introduction of fillers makes it possible to fill the deficiency and prevent dryness, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period.

The deformity is also corrected by the work of a cosmetologist. Fillers allow you to correct it and harmonize the proportions of your appearance.


Contraindications usually include:

-exacerbation of chronic diseases;
-pregnancy and lactation.

Before lip augmentation begins, the patient must be given anesthesia. Photo source: legion-media

Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure, it is not recommended to drink coffee or alcohol, and you should notify your doctor if you are taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents—drugs that thin the blood. This is due to the fact that they increase the likelihood of hematomas. If there is no vital indication for taking such drugs, the doctor will cancel them two days before the procedure.

How does the lip augmentation procedure with hyaluronic acid work?

The doctor discusses how to enlarge lips so that they look as aesthetically pleasing as possible, and what to do after the procedure with the patient at a preliminary consultation. After this, the patient signs an informed consent, and the doctor begins the procedure. It can be divided into several stages.

Application anesthesia

Before lip augmentation, a cream containing lidocaine is applied for 15-20 minutes, which reduces sensitivity from needle puncture and injection of the drug. Many manufacturers produce fillers that already contain lidocaine. They are much more comfortable than local anesthetics, since they only anesthetize the puncture site, and the injection of the drug remains sensitive for the patient. However, a contraindication to such fillers is an allergy to lidocaine, which the doctor must find out from the patient during the consultation.

Administration of the drug

The doctor can work in different techniques depending on the indications and facial proportions. The fan-shaped injection of filler allows you to unfold the edges of the lips and make them fuller without losing their natural appearance. The drug can be injected at four points outside the lip contour to simultaneously make it more defined and the lips themselves more plump. Lips after augmentation with hyaluronic acid using a cannula also become more voluminous and generally better defined.

Applying post-procedure cream

This is a soothing cream that reduces the likelihood of swelling and bruising.

Photos before and after the procedure

Look at the photo to see what your lips look like before and after contouring – the result is always noticeable.

Photos before and after lip augmentation. Photo: Ophelia Light

Lips after augmentation procedure

Lip augmentation is not considered a very traumatic procedure; as a rule, all swelling and bruising leave the skin quite quickly, and in some cases they do not even appear particularly noticeable.

How long do wounds take to heal?

Wounds after punctures heal on average within 10-15 minutes. At this time and in the next 2-3 hours, it is better not to touch your lips with your hands. Your doctor may give you a cotton swab to dab your lips into if there is a little bleeding.

How long does swelling last?

Swelling after lip augmentation can be associated both with trauma and the anesthetic effect of the cream, and with the formation of hematomas. Usually it goes away in 2-3 days.

Are there any bruises?

Bruises after lip augmentation are possible and no doctor can guarantee that they will not occur. On average, hematomas can last up to seven days.

Hyaluronic mustache is a strip above the upper lip, which can be seen even on some stars. Photo source: legion-media

Other possible complications

Preparations of poor quality and poor density can migrate beyond the lips and form the so-called “hyaluronic mustache” – a fold between the nose and upper lip. It is not life-threatening, but attracts the attention of others and spoils the overall appearance.

When will the final result be visible?

The final result should be assessed after 2-3 weeks, when the swelling subsides and the drug fits physiologically into the shape of the lips and the work of the orbicularis oris muscle.

Is correction always necessary?

How long after lip augmentation to make correction and whether it will be necessary in principle depends on various factors. The doctor may initially decide with the patient that he will first “try on” a small volume of the drug to the lips, and after 2-3 weeks, if necessary, add the missing one.

But most often the patient gets by with one procedure. The exception is very narrow lips and hypertonicity of the orbicularis muscle, when a two-stage correction is indicated. First, a volume of 0.6 ml is injected, and after two weeks the patient is invited to a second volume of 0.6. Immediately injecting 1 ml into such lips is dangerous, since their physiological volume may not be enough, and the drug migrates beyond, resulting in “ hyaluronic mustache.”

How long does the effect last after the procedure?

How long the effect will be after lip augmentation depends on the density and plasticity of the filler. Soft fillers of lower density last on average 6-8 months, medium-density fillers last 1-1.5 years. It is recommended to introduce denser ones only in case of post-traumatic defects, otherwise lips after contouring will look unnatural.

With makeup, enlarged lips look even more impressive. Photo source: legion-media

When can you paint your lips?

You can paint your lips after augmentation with decorative cosmetics 2-3 hours after the procedure.

What you can and cannot do after the procedure

There are very few restrictions on what cannot be done after lip augmentation, and they mainly concern the first two to three hours after correction.

What not to do after the procedure

Drink alcohol. Alcohol after lip augmentation causes vasospasm and increases swelling.
Smoking. While the filler has not yet been physiologically distributed to the lips, you should not strain them again even by smoking.
Kiss. Passionate kissing is doubly not recommended, so as not to displace the filler and give it the opportunity to distribute evenly.
To drink coffee. It increases blood circulation and, as a result, swelling from lip enlargement.
Exercise. It also speeds up blood flow and increases swelling.
Get a tattoo. It is necessary to wait until the inflammatory process from the injection of the filler stops, so that inflammation from the pigment does not superimpose on it.
Go to the bathhouse and sauna. Excessive heat will worsen bruising.
Sleep on your side. There is a version that in this position during sleep, the pressure on the lips is distributed unevenly, and the drug may shift. Ask your doctor if this is relevant for your facial structure, and what your lips will look like after augmentation if you do fall asleep on your side.

What can you do after the procedure?

-Apply healing agents. They will speed up the resolution of swelling and bruising.
-Do self-massage. A week after the hematoma resolves (and a hematoma is a cavity filled with blood), a void forms in its place, which can be perceived as an unevenness or a lump. And to quickly fill it with gel, you can do a light massage.

A light massage can be done before and after lip augmentation. Photo source: legion-media source:

Possible risks

If the drug enters a vessel during administration and excessive pressure occurs on it, in the worst case, tissue death may occur. In the best case, the doctor will immediately react and introduce an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid and eliminate complications. This is one of the reasons why it is important to have the procedure performed in a clinic by a certified physician.

An allergy can occur to any drug, but in the case of fillers, the risk increases if you use those that are not certified on the Russian market and not verified by quality control organizations. This information can always be requested from the clinic.

Lip augmentation: pros and cons

Lip correction is a procedure for which the patient comes based on his own ideas about beauty, and not according to life reasons. And when the doctor creates a natural shape and volume, it becomes clear why there are more pros than cons after lip augmentation.

Pros of lip augmentation

Possibility to correct asymmetry.
Harmonization of appearance, for example, if the eyes and nose are large and the lips are small, it looks inharmonious. By adding volume to your lips, you can balance the proportions of your face.
Prevention of dryness. By introducing hyaluronic acid, you can not only avoid cracks and chapping, but also make your lips softer and fuller.
Prevention of aging. By regularly moisturizing the skin of your lips, you can avoid the appearance of purse-string wrinkles caused by dryness.
Possibility to correct defects. And get rid of complexes associated with your appearance.

Cons of lip augmentation

High price. Good quality fillers themselves are not cheap to purchase, so the service in the salon costs from 200 Dollars. If you are offered lip augmentation at a price of 30-50 dollars, there is a big risk of getting all possible complications.
The risk of the appearance of “hyaluronic mustache” in case of administration of a dosage that does not correspond to the volume of the lips or of poor quality of the drug.
An unnatural and unaesthetic appearance if the procedure is performed by a non-professional and you overdo it with the drug.

Tips and reviews from a cosmetologist

“Go to the doctor on recommendation, but before that, check whether he has not only a higher medical education, but also a specialization in cosmetology, what kind of work experience he has, look at the photos before and after lip augmentation. And of course, you should pay attention to what you inject into your lips, especially if you are going to the doctor for the first time. Any good doctor will tell you what he will do before the procedure and open the package in front of you. Each drug has stickers with the name of the drug, expiration date, volume, and manufacturer. One of these stickers is attached to the medical record, and the second is given to the patient if desired,” advises cosmetologist Ophelia Legkaya.

Tattooing should not be done immediately after lip augmentation. Photo source: legion-media

Questions and answers

How long will lip augmentation last, is it necessary to specially deliver hyaluronic acid, how much volume can be injected at once, a specialist answered these and other questions.

What are fillers?

The concept of filler is derived from filling – filling. Fillers are fillers based on hyaluronic acid. There is a so-called unstabilized form of hyaluronic acid, which comes in preparations for biorevitalization, and sometimes, as for lips, in the form of a gel. It makes it possible to fill the volume deficit and improve shape.

How many milliliters of hyaluronic acid should be injected for the first time?

If the lips are of medium volume, then 1 ml is enough to enlarge. But if the lips are very small and thin, it is recommended to start with a volume of 0.6 ml and after 2-3 weeks invite the patient for re-correction.

Is it necessary to have a massage after lip augmentation?

Massage after lip augmentation helps to slightly redistribute the volume and avoid the feeling of “lumps”. However, some fillers, when injected, cause a hematoma, and massage in this case cannot be done, because it will only intensify it.

Will the lip augmentation procedure hurt?

Before the procedure, application anesthesia is performed, and there are fillers that already contain lidocaine. Therefore, the procedure is generally comfortable, and can only be unpleasant in places.

Is it possible to apply ointment to lips for healing?

Your doctor will definitely tell you in detail what to do after lip augmentation. In particular, after the procedure, you can smear your lips with cream or healing gel. It relieves inflammation, hematoma, swelling.

Is it possible to tattoo lips after lip augmentation?

Tattooing after lip augmentation can be done after 1.5-2 months, when the process of complete healing and aseptic inflammation is over and the pigment has taken root in the surface layers of the skin. A pigment is a foreign substance to which the immune system reacts in a certain way, and one should not enhance one inflammatory reaction by another.

Does hyaluronic acid stay on lips forever? Do I need to take it out and change it over time?

Only synthetic fillers remained forever, which were already a thing of the past. Now all modern fillers are produced on the basis of hyaluronic acid, and there is an antidote for it – a drug that removes it from the body: this is the enzyme hyaluronidase or longidase. It gives an effect in one procedure and begins to reduce the volume immediately after injection, and the very next day there is no filler in the lips.


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